• Address: 78-325 Łęgi

The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus church in Łęgi is a branch church belonging to the parish of St John the Baptist in Redło. The church was built in 1845. The founder of the church was the then proprietor of the village – Heinrich von Hagen. The church was built of stone on an elongated rectangular plan. It is an oriented hall church with no separated. The presbytery ends with a straight wall. The nave is preceded by a tall porch. Inside the church, there is a wide wooden internal gallery, which can be accessed by wooden stairs. From the internal gallery, it is possible to climb the rafter framing and further up the church tower. The church has a gable roof, covered with overlapping, glazed ceramic tiles. Over the roof, there is a square-shaped, three-level tower topped with a tall wooden roof lantern. The church windows are lanceted. The noteworthy elements of the furnishings include a wooden internal gallery with a pipe organ casing and a pipe organ from the second half of the 19th century. Apart from these, the preserved elements of the church’s furnishings include wooden pews for believers, a neo-Gothic brazen candlestick, and a Gothic baptismal font from the 14th-15th century sunk in the ground. On the church tower, there are two bells. One of them is a red-bronze bell from 1927, cast in Erfurt, founded by Gerhard Hagen on the occasion of his first grandchild and the 80th anniversary of the birthday of the President of German Reich – Marshall von Hindenburg. The second bell was made of iron in the 1920s. The church is located within a large churchyard, where old trees, including lindens and horse chestnuts, grow. The building is surrounded by a wall. The disabled will have difficulties in entering the church, because it is located on a hill and can be accessed by steps only. 

Masses’ schedule: Sun: 7.30 am, 10.30 am.

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