The half-timbered town hall was built in 1627 to replace the old building which had burned down. The town hall has served as the seat of the local authorities without interruptions since the day it was opened.

The town hall is located in the north-west part of Nowe Warpno, in the center of pl. Zwycięstwa, limited to the north-east, ul. Warszawska and to the south-west ul. Kosciuszko. Magnificent linden trees grow in front of the town hall.

The date of the construction of the first town hall in Nowe Warpno is unknown. The first mention of the town hall comes from 1556, when after the town fire - which took place in 1555 - thanks to the grants of Prince Philip II (the settlement received, among others, the rights to the island of Kahleberg - now it is called the Bald Island or the Bird Island), the city reconstruction. On the occasion of this reconstruction, the documents also mention the Gothic town hall. The foundations are the remains of the Gothic town hall. Nowe Warpno has been hit by fires many times. In the next fire, in 1692, the town hall burned down again. After it, in 1697, the present town hall was built in the Baroque style. The structure was erected in the then commonly used half-timbered technique (also known as half-timbered, so-called half-timbered).

The Town Hall in Nowe Warpno has fully retained the form and architectural composition of the façade. From the moment of its construction, the few refurbishments concerned the renovation of the façade elements and the small changes inside the building. Among other things, in 1885 the door upholstery was replaced, some cellar ceilings were replaced, the tower walls were strengthened, and new façade plasters were made. A 20th-century fire station is added to the north-eastern wall of the town hall. First, it was fully half-timbered. Currently, it houses the offices of the commune office. From the very beginning of its existence, the Town Hall was the seat of the municipal authorities. It also performs its original function today. It is a unique object and the most valuable monument of Nowe Warpno. It is also probably the only town hall of this type in Poland, which still performs its function to this day. The town hall was built on stone and brick footings, which were originally the foundation of the gothic town hall. The structural skeleton of the walls is made of oak wood in a brown tone. The inter-bolt quarters were filled with ceramic bricks. The roof truss was made in the rafter-collar beam technique with a double-sided stool support. The structural basis of the tower's helmet is 8 load-bearing pillars, braced with intersecting braces and fastened in the lower part - in two levels - with tongs. There is a clock on the tower, the movement of which was manufactured in Berlin in Turmuhren-Fabrik Georg Richter in 1922.

The tower itself and the towers of the former firehouse are covered with galvanized sheets. The tower offers a beautiful view of Lake Nowowarpieńskie, Podgrodzie district, Altwarp and the city itself. The town hall was entered in the register of monuments. Its cubature is approximately 2,840 m 3, and the building area is 285 m 2.

As it still fulfills its function (it is the seat of the municipal authorities), it is not possible to freely explore the facility. The building is open during office hours. Without major perturbations, you can enter the main hall and corridors of the office, city council meeting room, wedding hall, the entrance to the tower or employees' rooms looks worse.


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