The Gothic revival temple was built in the late 1880s. Until 1931, it was the only Catholic church in Szczecin. In 2018, it was designated as minor basilica.

The church is in the city center, next to the Kaskada shopping center. The St. Wojciech Hospital is nearby. Convenient access - a developed public transport network nearby.

Parish Church of St. John the Baptist was built in the years 1888-1890 for the faithful of the Catholic faith, and until 1945 it was the only such shrine in the city in which Luther's theses predominated. This neo-Gothic church was built on the plan of a Latin cross, so the structure of the structure is clear from the arms of the transept. Metal gargoyles in the shape of dragons, installed at the corners and at the portals are an interesting element decorating the body. From the west, a slender tower attracts attention. From the east, the church is closed by a polygonal presbytery. The church is equipped with a porch for the faithful with a vault decorated with paintings depicting the four evangelists. However, to enter the temple, you need to cross the threshold of a beautiful, neo-Gothic portal with the image of Christ on the tympanum.

The interior of the church is a large space, with its brick decorations referring to the Gothic style. The central point is a wide chancel with the altar of Our Lady Queen of Poland. It is worth paying attention to the neo-Gothic side altars, a pulpit, and beautiful stained-glass windows. The whole is complemented by a beautifully painted rib vault, stellar in the presbytery part.

Indulgence: June 24.


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