• Address: 78-100 Kołobrzeg

The Solna redoubt was built too late to play the role assigned to it, that is to shield the port from the west. It did not exist either during the Seven Years' War or Napoleon War, and had no military significance during World War II because the Germans manned it only by the Volkssturm, that is hastily trained youth and the elderly, and the forces of the 6th Infantry Division had no difficulty in conquering it. The advantage of such a situation is that the redoubt survived in good condition to our times. This applies to both buildings, the embankment and the moat. The redoubt owes its name to the salt bridge leading to the salt works, and the role of the structure was to defend the crossing. It was built between 1832 - 1836 when, after some conclusions from the war of 1807 were drawn, the points of the town which proved its weakness in the face of contemporary military technology were strengthened. It turn out that the existing head at the salt bridge was taken by the Frenchmen's quick attack.

Since 1990, the main building of the redoubt has been the headquarters of scouts who share it with Tadeusz 'Wania' Waśko, the organiser of the educational and entertainment project 'Pirate adventure'. The interior is very interesting due to the barrel vault, which allowed for making a large room without putting up pillars. The building has the shape of two circles of different sizes touching each other. Ten metres away, an exhibition of finds connected with Napoleonic Wars was set by 'Wania' in 2014 in a smaller brick room, probably the former gunpowder magazine, built into the embankment. You can go canoeing around the Solna Redoubt through the moat overgrown with reeds.

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