Museum of Archaeology and History in Stargard (MAH) is a self-governed Institution of Culture in Stargard Szczeciński. Its office is located in the historic buildings in the old market: the Guardroom with Baroque tenements and the Bastion in Park Piastowski. 

Museum of Archaeology and History in Stargard was founded 1960. It is the only museum in town. The museum’s collection includes items from the field of: archaeology, ethnography, photography, archival science, weaponry, numismatics, and many other fields connected with the broadly defined museum studies.  

The organisation structure of MAH consists of the following departments:

Department of Administration and Economy,
Book-keeping Department,
Archaeological Department,
Historical Treasure Documentation Department,
History and Local Community Research Department,
Education and the Promotion of Art Department,

In its exhibition offer, MAH has two permanent exhibitions and numerous temporary exhibitions, which are displayed in four rooms.

The first permanent exhibition, called “Day by day ... Stargard 1945-1989" is a board exhibition which shows the history of Stargard in the years after the war until the abolishment of communism. Everyday life, great politics, urban planning and citizens – these are only some of the themes showed in this exhibition.

Permanent display titled “Pharmacy in Pomerania and Stargard throughout the centuries” consists of three parts: the first one presents the oldest items from Pomeranian pharmacies (dating back as far as to the 16th century), the second one displays antique furniture which come from 1889 from the pharmacy in Stargard, which no longer exists, called “Under the Gold Star”. The third part of the exhibition is a display of a galenical laboratory.

Apart from exhibitions, the MAH also has an educational offer: museum lessons for children and teenagers called “Museum Encounters with the Past”, which are a series of open lectures about the history of the town and other places around it. The museum also offers summer and winter break classes for families.

Each year the MAH participates in the European Night of Museums, which takes place on Saturdays, somewhere around May 18th (International Day of Museums), when people can visit exhibitions for free and take part in numerous attractions prepared for this occasion.

Since 2014, the MAH organises a History Day during Stargard’s Days. It is a festival for the citizens of the town which takes place in Park Piastowski.

The library in the MAH  owns  12 000 books form the following fields: history, archaeology, art, museology and fields connected with them. The library’s collection includes not only books and magazines, but also special collections, including old prints, old collections (1800-1950), and prints about the community’s life. The library is open from Monday till Friday at 8.00-15.00. Books can only be read in the library’s reading room.

On Thursdays, entrance to the museum is free.

MAH’s main building is not adjusted to the needs of disabled people. Although there is a ramp leading to the main entrance, most of the exhibition rooms are located on upper floors, with no access to lifts or other necessary adjustments.


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