• Address: Paderewskiego 7, 72-600 Świnoujście

The steeple is a remainder of an old Protestant church from the early 20th century. Renovated in 2005, it has a cafe on the ground floor, and a viewing terrace with a great vista.

Church tower. Martin Luther, is a remnant of the Evangelical Church, which was built in 1904. The construction of the church was financed from the funds of the Emilia Heyse foundation, the richest resident of Świnoujście at the time. The designer of the church was Fritz Gottliebe. The church was built in the neo-Gothic style, had a tower with a clock and four bells, the tower was 62 meters high. During World War II, the church was destroyed. In 1962, its demolition began, but the tower was left, it was marked on navigational maps, and their change was a complicated undertaking, so it was decided to leave it. It was only in 2003 that a private investor changed this state of affairs. The tower has been restored. In 2005, the tower was opened, a cafe was set up in it, and at the top of the tower, the highest vantage point in Świnoujście, from which you can admire the panorama of the city. The current tower is 20 m lower than the original one, which required the adaptation of the observation deck. The cafe is located on the two lower floors, it is kept in the atmosphere of World War I and the interwar period. From the cafe, we go up the tower by winding stairs, on the way there are benches where you can rest. 222 stairs lead to the tower. At the top of the tower, there are balustrades facing all sides of the world, allowing you to admire the beautiful landscapes.


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