Holy Polanovskaya Mountain was formed during the period of the youngest glaciation, called the Baltic glaciation. At that time the frontal moorland ranges in Pomerania were uplifted. They include three sacred mountains of the region: Chelmska Gora near Koszalin, Rowokół near Smoldzin and, the highest of them, Swieta Gora near Polanow.

The oldest traces of settlement activity on Swieta Gora date back to the 8th century BC. In the early Middle Ages, there was supposed to be first a wooden and then a brick church at the site. According to legends, it was supposed to stand on the site of a pagan temple. However, this information has never been confirmed. Little information has survived about the later fate of the temple on top of the Holy Mountain. At the end of the 16th century, the church was a building built of brick on stone foundations, founded on a square plan with a tower housing 3 bells. It is believed that the church's rich interior furnishings included a miraculous image of Mary and twelve figures of the apostles made of gold. There was also supposed to be a miraculous spring on the Hill, which had healing qualities. The earliest source reference treating St. Polanovskaya Mountain as a pilgrimage destination dates back to 1435. However, pilgrimage to this place developed only in the 15th century. Despite the departure of the West Pomeranian princes from Catholicism in favor of Lutheranism, the cult of the old religion continued on the mountain until the end of the 16th century. At the beginning of the 17th century there was a demolition of the church on Holy Mountain. At the same time, it is assumed that the demolition may have lasted several decades. In addition, sources have preserved information that bricks from the temple had healing powers. Therefore, many pilgrims were also supposed to take them with them. The equipment of the temple was probably taken to other churches in the region.

Catholicism returned to Polanów in the late 19th century, while it was not until after World War II that a wooden cross was consecrated on the Holy Mountain and the construction of a new chapel was announced. In the late 1970s, a field altar was placed under the cross. Every year, on the Feast of the Mother of the Church and the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (September 8), the faithful made a pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain of Polanov, where Mass was celebrated. During the September services, grain for new sowings was blessed. In recent years, some of the faithful received the Sacrament of Confirmation at this place.

Since 2002, the place has been a hermitage of the Franciscan Fathers of the Province of St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe in Gdansk, from the Darlowo Monastery. The hermitage was designed in the Pomeranian style - based on the design of Kashubian buildings. It hosts Masses with Kashubian liturgy of the word. On its roofs are crosses - including the Cross of the Holy Spirit. The originator, resident and host of the Hermitage was Fr. Janusz Jędryszek OFM Conv.

In 2003-2004, next to the foundations of the former temple, the Franciscans built a chapel and hermitage dedicated to Our Lady of the Gate of Heaven. The image of Mary revered as the "Gate of Heaven" is on Mount Athos off the coast of Greece; according to legend, it was supposedly painted by St. Luke the Evangelist. A copy of this icon was brought to Poland in 2000 and placed on Holy Mount Grabarka near Siemiatycze in the Orthodox shrine there. Meanwhile, a copy for the new Franciscan hermitage on the Holy Mountain of Polanovsk was painted by Bulgarian painter Todor Dimchevsky. The painting was consecrated in Koszalin on August 27, 2004 by Orthodox Archbishop Jeremiah.

A path of the cross with folk sculptures leads to the top of Polanovskaya Holy Mountain. Slightly to the side of the access path flows a spring called the Well of Health, with which legends of healings are associated. Next to the temple rises a cross with an inscription in Polish and German that reads: "When human memory fades further stones speak".

The Holy Mountain of Polanovsk has been included in the group of pilgrimage routes. Along the Koszalin-Polanów road 31 shrines depicting scenes from the life of Jesus Christ were erected. Meanwhile, in 2010, the medieval pilgrimage route linking the two Holy Mountains - Chelmska and Polanowska - was once again included in the European network of St. James roads leading to the Spanish Santiago de Compostela as part of the Pomeranian Way of St. James. The Holy Mountain is also part of the pilgrimage routes gathering around such places in the region entitled "The Holy Mountains of Pomerania. "Holy Mountains of Pomerania" (Holy Mountain Polanowska, Chelmska Gora near Koszalin and Mount Rowokół). As part of the project, pedestrian and bicycle paths linking these holy places have been marked out.

What is unique for those coming to the Holy Mountain of Polanovsk is the unimaginable silence and balance of the place. Anyone tired of the hustle and bustle of the world and fast-paced life can come here to the Franciscan hermitage and find their way to God. There is no electricity in the hermitage, so there is not only no TV, internet or radio and telephone, but also no light, including a refrigerator. The place attracts and captivates with its pristine beauty and the unbroken serenity of every moment and prayer.

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