• Address: 3 Maja, 72-200 Nowogard

The monument to the heroes who died in the fight for freedom of the ancient Slavic land was funded and made by the Regional Office of Public Security in Nowogard and unveiled on November 11, 1945. The official name was the monument to the "Fallen in the Fight for the Western Lands". Two cannons were placed next to it, they previously stood next to the statue of Otto von Bismarck on the market square in Nowogard. The monument has an inscription curve, "Heroes who died in the fight for the ancient Slavic lands - 1945 - Compatriots". Most likely the designer was Lotariusz Domin, one of the pioneers of the Nowogard region. It was a place of demonstration of support for the party and the government. Currently, it still plays an important role in the life of the city, and the surrounding square is perfect for relaxation. There are new benches and pots with plants.

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