• Address: Pyszka

The Pyszka Wetlands were created due to a project of renaturalization of the natural valley of the Pysznica River. The bottom of the river was raised. Artificial rapids were created by laying stones on the bottom of an about 125 m long section. In this way, the river’s waters were redirected to the area of the old valley, and a flood land with the area of about 40 ha was formed. Together with the areas that are in a zone of potential influence of flood, the wetlands cover approximately 67 ha. A roofed observation point on a platform was built as a part of the project, in place of a closed pumping station, located on an embankment near road no 163. 3 km past Wrzosowo, a parking lot was built. Tourists can leave their cars there and change to a bike. They can use an about 1 km long bike path.

It is worth coming there and observing nature. Convenient conditions caused that this place became a refuge for many species of plants and animals. Among other species, birds of prey, such as buzzard, western marsh harrier, and peregrine falcon, can be found there. Small reservoirs with permeating water are breeding places of amphibians, such as common toad, smooth newt, and northern crested newt. The flora is dominated by grasses, sedges, rushes, wood club-rush, and reed maces, as well as by tall dicotyledonous perennial plants, such as meadowsweet, garden yellow loosestrife, or stinging nettle. The wetlands are also a natural water purification facility and constitute natural storage reservoirs that counteract floods.

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