• Address: 72-100 Goleniów

The city walls were built at the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries. Currently, only their fragments have survived. Made of stone and bricks. The first fragments of the fortifications were built as early as 1268. Initially, the walls included several brick lookouts, towers, and four gates: Wolin Gate, Szczecin Gate, Stargard Gate, and Mill Gate. In the mid-fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the walls were expanded. The walls were raised and the gates were expanded. There are three water gates in the port part of the wall. Three towers were also built: the Mint Tower, the Monk Tower and the Sailing Tower.

Currently, only part of the walls can be admired. Some of the buildings were destroyed and some were pulled down in the 19th century. In 1889, the city authorities decided to keep part of the defensive walls and three buildings: the Wolin Gate, the Prison Tower and the Mint Tower. On the turret ending the wall at the Wolin Gate, there is a date commemorating the famous decision of the city authorities. Some of the walls suffered during World War II. The walls, however, have been restored and now serve as one of the most interesting tourist attractions in Goleniów.

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