• Address: 72-004 Zalesie
  • Page: www.swidwie.pl
  • Phone: 48 914202199, kom. 48 602552295

Świdwie Nature Reserve is a reserve of waterfowl birds, as one of the most interesting places of this type in Europe. The reserve is located in the southern part of Wkrzańska Primeval Forest and its surface area is 891 ha, including a shallow Świdwie Lake and it beautiful, wild and picturesque coasts. There are two ornithological stations within the reserve: Świdwie Ornithological Station – south from the lake in Boków (connected with a museum and education centre) and a station in Węgornik (Gunica). There are more than 200 species of birds in the reserve, including geese, cranes, orioles, corncrakes, rails and many, many others. There is also hunting territory of white-tail eagle. In the breeding season there are 160 species of birds living in the reserve. It is a significant feeding habitat and a place of rest for birds migrating from the north to the south of Europe. Świdwie is one of the most valuable reserves not only in Poland, but also in Europe. The reserve constitutes the purpose of numerous cycling and walking trips, and it is an interesting place in terms of its fauna. Apart from waterfowl birds, there are numerous protected plants, such as nuphar lutea and nymphoides peltata, as well as extraordinary hydrocharis morsus-ranae and statiotes aloides, which look amazing both for tourists and for nature enthusiasts. There are several thatched shelters where tourists can rest after their trips, eat something and sit on benches. There is also a fire place in the centre of each shelter. Walking further we pass a thatched wooden passage and get to a building with a lookout tower on the top of which there is a terrace which constitutes a perfect observation point. From the terrace you can observe fauna and flora using a telescope permanently installed there. There are benches and informative boards describing birds which occur in the area. From the observation tower you can admire amazing views. You will be also satisfied with what you can hear due to the sound of birds living in the area. Being in the reserve you need to be silent and take into account the specificity of the place. 

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