The Special protection area of habitats “The Mouth of the Oder and Szczecin Lagoon” functions within the network of the Natura 2000 areas. It is situated at the meeting point of freshwater and seawater habitats and it has special significance for fish living in these habitats. It includes the lower part of the Oder, Szczecin Lagoon, Kamieński Lagoon and Chrząszczewska Island. The eastern coast of the lagoon is a lagoon plain, and the northern coast has a cliffy nature. Sea areas constitute approx. 85% of the surface area of Ostoja. Szczecin Lagoon together with an interesting and diverse coastal zone is an area on which numerous rare vascular plants, brown mosses and sphagnum occur, especially in Czarnociński Pool. The lagoon is a dwelling place for numerous extraordinary birds. You can come across white-tail eagle, cranes, kingfishers, terns, black and red kites, as well as heron and many others. An interesting phenomenon occurring on the eastern side of the lagoon includes coastal shallows 1-1.5 m deep, where numerous aquatic plants occur. Another phenomenon is “backwater” occurring in the lagoon, which can raise the water level by 1 metre. Apart from significant natural advantages of the area, it is also characterized by many touristic attractions. There are various architectural monuments, water sports centres, sailing harbours, beaches, as well as resorts and museums. The area of Szczecin Lagoon can be admired from many lookout points, such as the lookout towers in Nowe Warpno or a tower in the former protestant church – currently the highest lookout point in Świnoujście.

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