• Address: plac Polonii, 75-001 Koszalin

The monument to the "Ties of Foreign Polonia to the Motherland" was unveiled on July 21, 1976. Its author is Romuald Grodzki. The monument is made of sandstone, has the form of a quadrilateral pillar tapering downward. The pillar is divided into three quarters - reliefs. The lowest part depicts Polish people - mothers cuddling children, a woman bending over a loaf of bread. In the middle part there are silhouettes of soldiers in helmets. The highest part of the bas-reliefs depicts the image of modern times: harvesting fruit, sowing grain and work. A nest of eagles is situated on top. Next to the monument is a sandstone block with the inscription: "Monument to the Ties of Polonia to the Motherland. Unveiled - 1976."

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