• Address: Marszałka J. Piłsudksiego, 72-010 Police

The history of the Monument to John Paul II in Police dates to May 1997, when the City Council adopted a resolution to build a monument to the Pope in this town. In June of the same year, a group was established to support the erection of the monument, headed by the current mayor of the town, Władysław Diakun. the Polish sculptor Czesław Dźwigaj was the creator of the monument. The official unveiling and consecration of the John Paul II monument took place on May 30, 1999. The monument is in the exposed and perfectly visible from Marszałka J. Piłsudskiego Street, part of John Paul II Square and is its focal point. It shows the Pope standing in a boat and holding a crosier with a cross in his hand. Candles are often burned at the monument and flowers are laid, the faithful also gather there to celebrate all anniversaries related to the person and events of Pope John Paul II's life. From time to time, short services and prayer meetings are also held there. The monument is surrounded by beautiful and colorful vegetation. Near the monument there are benches where you can sit down to rest, pray, or meditate.

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