• Address: Tucze

Lake Woświn is a finger lake. It is the most important lake of the region, certainly for the district and the commune. First of all, it is impressive when it comes to its size, which amounts to 809.7 ha, with dimensions 9.5 km by 2 km. The average depth of the lake amounts to more than 9 m, and in some places the maximum depth of 28 metres was recorded.  The volume of water in the lake is estimated at almost 76 thousands m3.

The shore line is relatively winding and its total length amounts to more than 24 km. 

The entire lake is situated within the Ińsko Scenic Park, and was included into a special bird protection area called “Ostoja Ińska”. It is characterized by water purity class 2 and 2 category of vulnerability to biological degradation. The lake is supplied by the Ukleja River, which also flows out of the lake, making it a flow-through lake. 

The lake is easily accessible and fully adapted for inhabitants and tourists to take advantage of its values. Around the lake, there are beaches with piers and campsites. 

Additionally, the lake is included into a fishing district managed by a private company, which charges a fee for fishing. Also, boats with combustion engine are not allowed on the lake. 

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