• Address: Pl. ks. kard. S. Wyszyńskiego, 76-100 Sławno

A chequered urban layout of the medieval Old Town appears in the register of monuments. The urban layout is located within the city walls that no longer exist. Today, it is limited by two existing gates: the Koszalin Gate and the Słupsk Gate. The Market Square (now Wyszyńskiego Square) is a central part of the medieval chequered pattern. The City Canal constitutes a protective strip from the east, the course of the Moszczenica River - from the north, the line of the Western Promenade - from the west and Kopernika Street - from the south. In Sławno, the course of Basztowa Street is very distinctive as it stretches almost the entire length (approx. 500 m) along the northern and western walls of the medieval town. In the centre, at Wyszyńskiego Square, there is Wniebowzięcia NMP [the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary] Gothic Church. Only two houses from the nineteenth century and the bank building from the 1930 have remained from the old market square buildings. The rest of the buildings were erected in later years. Today, the famous medieval urban layout is unclear.

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