• Address: Rynkowa 27, 74-503 Moryń
  • Phone: 91 414-60-24

Within the area of the mediaeval old town in Moryń, at 27 Rynkowa Street, we can find a former orphanage. The institution was established in 1874 by Christiana Friedrich Koch, a judge and a lawyer. It was intended for about 80 residents. The foundation’s name was “Kinderglück”, which precisely means “happiness of children”.

Initially, the complex included a main, three-wing building of red stone and auxiliary buildings. The institution was surrounded by green areas, which were used for sports and recreational purposes. The founder of the institution passed away two years before it was opened, and 31 years after his death – in 1903 – in front of the main building, a statue with a bust of Christian Friedrich Koch with his two children below. The monument was made by an artist from Berlin - Heinrich Wefing. The statue has survived up to this day. A high entrance gate and a clock, which was located in the central part of the main building’s roof, have not been preserved.

Nowadays, the building is used for the purposes it was built for. At 27 Rynkowa Street, there is a nursing home run by the Order of the Benedictine Samaritan Sisters of the Christ’s Cross. The institution is intended for intellectually handicapped adults. It can house up to 120 residents. This institution is now the largest workplace for the inhabitants of Moryń – it provides employment for about 90 people.

The building has been entered into the provincial register of historic monuments in January 2000.  

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