• Address: 72-001 Kołbaskowo

The Nature Reserve "Wzgórze Widokowe nad Międzyodzrzem" is a nature reserve, which covers an area of ​​only 4.19 ha. It was created on the sloping edge of the Oder Valley, which is also part of the Stobno Embankment. Within the reserve there is Morenka Hill with a height of 65 metres, on which Wzgórze Widokowe nad Międzyodrzem observation point is situated. You can climb the hill by a steep path with steps. A semi-circular stone seat, from which you can enjoy beautiful views, has been placed there. You can see a panorama of the Oder Valley from Szczecin to Gryfino from the hill. The aim of establishing the reserve was to protect unique natural and landscape values, such as the high bank of the Oder Valley and xerothermic-steppe vegetation, or xerophilous vegetation. The area is devoid of trees, which allows you to enjoy the views without restriction. Small pasque flower, guelder-rose, spiny restharrow, and many other protected species can be found in the area. The surrounding vegetation exudes very pleasant smells.

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