• Address: Równo

Libbert’s Rocky Ravine, also known as Wąwóz Trzech Skałek [Three Rocks Gorge] and Barlineckie Bieszczady, is an inanimate nature reserve created in 1995 with a total surface area of 33 ha situated in Barlinek-Gorzów Landscape Park (its north-west part). It is also included in the area of Płoni Valley and Miedwie Lake within Natura 2000. The modern name of the reserve comes from the surname of a German botanist who conducted research in this area in the 30’s of the 20th century.

The main subject of the protection in Rocky Ravine are limestone, sandstone, boulders and conglomerates present in West Pomerania, of which the later form are 4 m high column. The area of the reserve is very undulated with numerous ravines and gorges. The highest elevations are situated on the height of 115 m above sea level.

In the reserve there are mostly beech and oak trees, as well as elms and ashes. It is also worth mentioning rich flora which is part of the of forest undergrowth – you can find arum maculatum, anemone hepatica, viola mirabilis and galium odoratum.

Regarding fauna, you can come across birds, such as black woodpeckers and red-breasted flycatchers; amphibians, such as common toads and European tree frogs; reptiles, such as sand lizards and slow worms.

According to legends in this reserve, in its gorges and ravines, there are witches and devils, the activity of which is visible only after dark, when on the Czarcia Kazalnica rock, the oldest devil teaches all the creatures, how to seduce humans and confuse them. The legendary residents of the reserve and its gorges have Devil’s Gate to use and Devil’s stairs that lead there.

Libbert’s Rocky Ravine Nature Reserve is a part of a marked thematic trail “Parks, Trees, Forests”.

Moreover, in the area of the reserve there is a blue touristic trail to Barlinek and a red Barlinek cycle trail.

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