The church was erected in the 14th/15th century in the Gothic style. In 1820, the building was significantly damaged because of the thunder that hit in the church tower. During comprehensive renovation works the tower was not rebuilt. Windows and the roof were changed, as well as the original ceiling that was changed for a beam vault. The brick church was built on stone foundations. It used to be partially plastered, but during the last renovation works, the plaster was removed. The windows are situated in lanceted window openings. A sacristy was added from the east. The entrance to the church is located in the western wall. The façade is symmetrical, with a neo-Gothic entrance portal. The northern and southern façades have four buttresses each. Inside the church, there is an internal gallery supported by four pillars with a pipe organ casing. The historic furnishings of the church also include a late baroque high altar with a painting of “The Last Supper” in predella, and a Renaissance baptismal font from the 17th century.

The churchyard is surrounded with a stone wall from the west. From the east, there is a clergy house. The churchyard used to be a cemetery, but it was closed already in the 19th century. No old tombstones have been preserved. From the south east, there is a large statue of Christ the King, located on a pedestal of an old monument that commemorated the inhabitants of Malechowo who died during the Great War. From the north west, there is a statue of Mother of God. Just by the entrance to the church, there is a boulder commemorating people displaced from the eastern borders of Poland and arrive at the region of Malechowo in 1945, and developed it. The boulder was located there on the initiative of the present residents of Malechowo and its neighbourhood out of gratitude towards their ancestors who – as the inscription on the plaque says – “built our future”. The boulder was unveiled in 2010. The area around the church is well maintained. There are alleys marked out around the church.

The Mother of God of Thunder Candle church is a parish church belonging to the deanery of Sławno. There is a car park located nearby, next to the building of the Communal Office.

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