• Address: Goleniów

The Ina River is 128 km long. It weaves its way through the Szczecin Lowland and Goleniów Plain. In some parts, the river has been subject to engineering activities, mainly within the borders of the town of Goleniów. There are also some hydraulic structures in the river.


A part of the catchment area of the Ina forms a part of the Ina Refugium – an area protected under the Natura 2000 programme. The area is protected due to, among others, the important role it plays in the migration and breeding of salmonids.

The course of the Ina River can be divided into a few stages. Starting from the Recz village, the river is a marshy river which flows mainly through fields. By Stargard Szczeciński up to Goleniów, the river meanders slowly through meadows and forests of the Goleniów Forest – it is probably the most charming and wild fragment of the river. Along this section, the river is narrower and deeper.

In Goleniów the wild Ina River is tamed and controlled. Outside Goleniów it takes the form of a lowland river. The water in the river is classified as quality class II and III, but we should mention that it is constantly improving.

The Ina River is a popular kayaking route. You may start the trip at the Recz village or a short distance further, close to Bącznik, where the route called ‘Meandry Iny’ [Ina’s Meanders] begins, running through Zabród, Goleniów, Dąbie Lake up to the sailing centre in Lubczyna. The section of the route between Recz and Stargard Szczeciński is difficult and intended for experienced kayakers. The route between Stargard and Goleniów is a lot easier. The ‘Ina’s Meanders’ route is recommended to beginners and families with children. We should also mention that in 2011 in Goleniów a kayaking lane was built which transformed a short section of the Ina into a mountain river (with fast-flowing current and piles).

Apart from being a kayaking route, the Ina is also an important point on the fishing map. The river may be divided into a few sections according to the populations of fish living in its waters, with characteristic features of some fish habitats: bream, (from its mouth to Goleniów), grayling (from Goleniów to Stargard) and trout (from Stargard upstream). To be able to angle in the Ina River, you have to purchase appropriate permits available, e.g., in Goleniów. When it comes to the form of angling, we recommend both bank/boat fishing and spin fishing. In the Ina fishing enthusiasts may catch, e.g. brown trout, salmon, chub, ide, pike and roach. The river is stocked on a regular basis. One should remember that brown trout and salmon are protected during spawning season, which is why fishing is prohibited in some sections of the river at that time. Nonetheless, the spawning of salmonids is quite spectacular and may be an attraction not only for fishing enthusiasts. You can observe the phenomenon, e.g. in Goleniów.

We should also mention that the Ina River is a site of regular angling competitions, such as: VIII Open Spin and Fly Salmon and Brown Trout Fishing Competition for the cup of the Mayor of Goleniów Commune called ‘TROĆ INY – 2015’ organized by Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Rzek Iny i Gowienicy [Friends of the Rivers of Ina and Gowienica Association], and held, among others, in the Ina. For more information on the competition visit the association’s website: www.tpriig.pl


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