The St Stanislaw the Bishop and Martyr church is one of the oldest historic buildings of the village of Kozielice. The church was built in the late Gothic style on a rectangular plan and comes from the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries. It is a building made of stone and brick with walls supported with buttresses. The major part of the building is dated back to the late Middle Ages (ca. 1500). In the 17th century, a tower was built. It consists of a lower brick part and an upper wooden part, topped with an octagonal lantern with a baroque cupola and a banner. A significant change took place in the 19th century, when the church was rebuilt. As a result of the reconstruction, numerous elements of the architecture and furnishings of the church was changed, which resulted in the church losing its previous arrangement and furnishings. During the reconstructions, an apse was built and covered the mediaeval elements. Moreover, a part of mediaeval architectural details was plastered.

While walking around the church, from the west, we can see the church tower with a framework structure with a baroque cupola at the top. On the eastern side, there are 10 blind windows – shallow bays in the wall, finished with lanceted and full arches. In the blind windows, we can see decorative architectural motives called tracery, characteristic of the Gothic style.

The church’s interior is furnished in the late Gothic style. It is worth noticing a choir, a pipe organ casing from 1889 made the Gruneberg company, and pews. An interesting element of the church’s furnishings was a silver chalice with angels’ heads on its handle. Unfortunately, this votive offering, presented by Jadwiga von Burgstorf, has not survived to the present day.  Till the beginning of the 1890s, the church was decorated by a baroque altar and pulpit, as well as by mural paintings of First Five Polish Brothers and of Polish Saints, but these elements have also not been preserved up to this day.

The church in Kozielice was consecrated on August 21st, 1945 by Rev. Józef Król from the Society of Christ Fathers and belonged to the parish of Tetyń. In 1974, the St Stanislaw the Bishop and Martyr parish was set apart from the parish of Tetyń.

The parish was established in 1974.

The current parish priest is Rev. Władysław Kołtowski SChr (since 2014).

Masses’ schedule: Sun: 8.30 am, 1 pm; Mon: 8.30 am; Wed: 6 pm (summer), 5 pm (winter); Fri: 6 pm (summer), 5 pm (winter).

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