• Address: 72-100 Goleniów

The ruins of the chapel are the oldest monument in Goleniów. The building was erected in the thirteenth or fourteenth century. Originally, the chapel was located in the village of Wyk, which eventually was incorporated into expanding Goleniów. The first building was erected in the late Romanesque and early Gothic style. The church was built of brick and stone on an octagonal plan. It is uncertain how the chapel was destroyed. At the turn of the seventeenth century a church of the same name was built in its place. It was built on a rectangular plan and on the foundations of the chapel. The church burnt down in 1945 and was later demolished. In 2004, archaeological excavations revealed the foundations of both buildings, fragments of floors and a surrounding cemetery. Fragments of liturgical vessels, ceramics and a lockbox were also dug out, which may have contained the cornerstone. The church premises are open to the public. The metal structure standing in the ruins was adorned with the excavated finds. The cemetery once existing there is commemorated by the Stone Memorial.

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