• Address: 72-003 Stolec

The sepulchral monument of Juergen Bernard von Ramin is located in the church cemetery in Stolec and it constitutes and part of a historic evangelical church complex from the 18th century. The obelisk set in the central part was built to honour the young owner from the von Ramin family who lived from 1764 to 1792 and died a tragic death. His passion was hunting and horse riding in the region. Unfortunately he paid with his life for his love, as in 1792 during one of his trips he fell off his horse and died due to the fall. He was 28 years old. He was buried on the church cemetery. His wife, Wilhelmina Juliana Amalia from the von Hacke family, honoured him with an impressive monument, which is there until today. This Baroque obelisk is made of brick and then covered with slabs of sandstone. On the front of the monument there is a medallion with the head of a man in a laurel wreath. The relief presents the profile of Juergen Bernard von Ramin. Below there is something that looks like a column and there is an inscription in German, expressing pain and sadness of the loving wife and his daughter which at that time was not even aware of the loss. On the left side of the column there is a crying angel covering his face in his hands. On the right side there is a putto holding the head of a hunting dog and simultaneously pointing out to the inscription. The crying angel symbolizes the grieving wife, while the little putto symbolizes his daughter. Moreover, the family crest was placed on the monument, as well as hunting motifs, such as a tram and a horn. The entire construction is nearly 4 meters high and placed on a base covered with slabs of sandstone.


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