• Address: Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego 45, 72-600 Świnoujście

Built in the early 20th century, for a long time the mess building was one of the most advanced structures in the area. Today, it serves as a restaurant and the seat of the 8th Coastal Defense Flotilla Club.

The building of the present 8 Coastal Defense Flotilla Club was built in 1900-1903. A villa named Merkur was built for the purpose of renting apartments. The name of the villa refers to the statue of Mercury placed at the top of the corner, the protector of merchants, businessmen and thieves.  The lower floor is intended for commercial and service premises. The owner of the villa was a merchant from Osiek, Lower Silesia, Heinrich Ossig. At the time of construction it was a very modern villa. The building was equipped with electric lighting, running water, sewage system and garages for cars. On the ground floor there was a wine bar, a grocery store, a delicatessen and the "Bodyga" restaurant. Heinrich Ossig lived in the villa with his family until April 1945. Later, the building was taken over by Soviet soldiers, who only left it in 1959. Since then, it has housed the Garrison Club and a casino. The latter was closed in December 2010. Currently, the villa houses the 8 Coast Defense Flotilla Club and a private dining establishment, referring to the tradition of a military casino.


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