Eureka - the Astronomy Exhibition opens the  planetarium for viewers, it is used as a spherical cinema. The presentation consists of two types of shows. The first one is connected with astrological education: spherical coordinate systems are displayed on the dome’s surface, as well as star constellations, planets and other astrological objects. The show is assisted with lector’s commentary. Next type is a screening of popular- science films on the dome. Apart from the planetarium, the exhibition also offers dynamic pictures of the Sun’s surface which can be viewed through the telescope which belongs to the European Space Agency. There is also a big, rotating world globe, with a diameter of  248 cm, which offers detailed illustration of the oceans and the continents.

Ticket prices: normal 12 PLN, reduced 8 PLN

Total sightseeing time (including the planetarium show) takes max.90 minutes. The shows can take place (during the museum’s opening hours) as long as there are more than ten guests. Maximal number of guest visiting the exhibition at the same time can be 33 people.

For organised groups, the shows can take place from Tuesday to Sunday. In such cases, they need to make earlier appointment and a reservation. Individual tours (less than 10 people) are only possible after joining an organised group.

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