• Address: pl. Tobrucki, 70-206 Szczecin

At the end of the 19th century, today's Tobrucki Square was the showcase of Szczecin. At the beginning of the 20th century - especially after the construction of other important buildings (eg. Wały Chrobrego), its role slightly decreased, to finally lose its importance after World War II. Despite this, to this day Tobrucki Square is an extremely interesting object.

The former Rathausplatz is located downtown, in the Nowe Miasto housing estate. The layout of the square has survived to this day, and it was established on the site sloping towards the Odra River. There are representative buildings around the square - the Red Town Hall, the Pomeranian Library, the Pomeranian Medical University and the Main Post Office.

The main axis of the foundation is the fountain, which was placed in the highest part of the square. The fountain consisted of an architectural base by Professor Otto Rieth and a sculpture "Sedina" designed by Professor Ludwig Manzl. The pool of the fountain has survived to our times, the fate of Manzel's compositions is unknown.

The sculpture depicted a woman standing on a ship, around which half-naked figures of both sexes were placed. Sedina, which was located in the central part of the sculpture, rested her right hand on the anchor, and her left hand held a sail - this figure was the personification of the port city - Szczecin, which was run by the god of trade - Mercury. The ship could be moved by the power of Industry. The composition was to clearly show the way of Szczecin's development and become its symbol.

The fountain was unveiled on September 23, 1898 in the presence of Emperor Wilhelm II, the ceremony was combined with the opening of the duty-free port basin. The sculpture was dismantled in 1942, it is not known what happened to it. According to some, it was hidden, others believe that the Germans destroyed the sculpture, using the bronze from which it was made for military purposes.

For several years, the idea of recreating Sedina and placing it on pl. Tobrucki. In 2004, a social committee that led to the creation of the sculpture model in 2008. In 2014, the project to recreate the sculpture was submitted under the Civic Budget - but it was not chosen by the residents. In 2010, conservation work was carried out on the base of the fountain. After 1945, an anchor was set on the pedestal of Sedina.

On pl. Tobrucki, we can also find one of the 19th-century pumps. The vegetation found in the square is also interesting. We will meet in its area, among others four common yews in the short-stemmed variety, which are among the tallest in Poland and are over 5 meters high, oriental because of the Chinese torsion bush, two black walnuts, two common beeches in the red-leaved variety and four pedunculate oaks.

Tobrucki Square in Szczecin was entered on the provincial list of monuments in September 2010.

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