Opened in the year 1907, it is one of the oldest cinemas in the world. “Pionier” was also ranked among the 20 best cinemas in the world by “Total Film” magazine. The cinema has 82 seats, there is also a small coffee shop.

It is one of the oldest cinemas in the world, operating since 1907. The Cinema was entered into the Guinness Book of Records in 2005. Unfortunately a few years later it was proven that there is an even older cinema in France, so the title was taken away. Its first owner was Otto Blauert, who later sold it to Albert Pitzke. The new owner was purchasing the majority of cinemas in the town so that no one else could get into the cinema business in Szczecin. According to “Total Film” the cinema is not only one of the oldest in Europe, but also the best one. The magazine placed it in the top 20 best cinemas in the world together with excellent cinemas from Bangkok, London or Paris. Screenings taking place in the building at 2 Wojska Polskiego Street are diligently selected and not all new commercial movies are screened there. The current owner of the cinema is a supporter and a proponent of ambitious cinema, encouraging reflection. The atmosphere of the place perfectly suits the poem by Konstanty Idelfons Gałczyński “Najlepsze są małe kina” [“Small cinemas are the best”]. During the screening you can have a cup of coffee, tea or wine. In the screening hall there are 82 comfortable seats, a historic piano from 1896 which is played during some screenings.


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