• Address: Świnoujście

Świna’s Delta is an area of special bird protection, therefore its priority is protecting birds and providing the best possible conditions for breeding.

Thanks to the fact that the area has a very segmented nature and there are numerous islands and peninsulas covered with reeds, meadows and other vegetation, as well as it has a lot of fresh and sea water, there are habitats typical only for this area.

Vegetation is rather low, there are nearly no forests; historic stand of trees is reported which includes alder forests and birch-oak forests.

Such vegetation conditions are suitable for unique bird species. The main species include: smew, white-tailed eagle, common merganser and aquatic warbler. These four species were enough to guarantee that the region received the status of Important Bird Areas. Apart from them, there are more than 50 species of birds there.

There are numerous walking, cycling and kayaking trails within the delta. They go through Karsibór, Międzyzdroje, Świnoujście and Wolin.

The network of guesthouses and hotels with restaurants is well-developed. Also agritourist farms are gaining popularity.

The area of the delta is a perfect resting place for people who wish to be close to nature and get to know new species of birds. It is a place where you can be active, walking, doing sport and sightseeing, as there are many monuments and other attractions.

The region of the protected area partially overlaps with a region of other protection forms, such as Wolin National Park, Karsibórz Ferns Nature Reserve and Karsiborska Kępa. They have their own protection plans and they encourage tourists to explore the area within them. Before you go to explore the region, it is worth getting to know what it has to offer.


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