• Address: Dworcowa 20, 70-950 Szczecin
  • Phone: 91-440-12-50

The building located in the "New Town" is the oldest example of nineteenth-century postal architecture. The building in Szczecin was erected before the intensive development of the post office function in the field of architecture, therefore it can be considered that the facility in Szczecin is a prototype for many other post office buildings.

The complex was erected in the years 1872-1905 according to the design of the architect Carl Schwatlo. The eclectic building has neo-Renaissance and neoclassical details and structures, and to a lesser extent there are also elements resembling Art Nouveau solutions.

In the upper part of the façade there are tympana topped with horse heads, and in the window lintels we can find eagles. Also on the façade we can find interesting details and decorations in the form of reliefs depicting plant and animal motifs.

In the hall of the first building there is a glass roof and a ceiling supported by columns. The building has one of the richest in public interior decorations. Inside we will find, among others embossed zinc sheet, openwork bands, braided friezes, plant motifs on walls and columns.

The team, despite the dangerous vicinity of the Allied bomb drop zone, did not suffer particularly during the war, and the modernizations carried out after 1945 did not affect the overall structure, which is still close to the original. In addition, in the 1990s, the interior of the building was renovated, which largely restored the artistic values of the post office.

An interesting fact, however, is the water flowing under the building. If we try to locate the place where the post office was built, on the maps from the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, we will notice a channel that flowed near the construction site of the future post office. It exists to this day and flows in the basement of the building. It is enough to go down to the basement, lift the large hatch and shine the flashlight into the depths - a small river is still flowing there.

The building after the Second World War was intended for the post office, radio inspection, telecommunications laboratory and the Technical School of Communications. The facility at Dworcowa Street was entered on the provincial list of monuments in November 1993.

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