• Address: plac Orła Białego, 70-562 Szczecin

The fountain, located in the central point of Orła Białego Square, was erected in 1732. It was designed by Johann Friedrich Grael and made by Johann Konrad Koch and a stone mason named Angerer.

The project of the fountain was made by J. F. Grael, and the building itself - by the sculptor J.K. Koch and stone mason Angerer. It was founded in 1732. It was then a part of the first aqueduct in the town. The shape of its base resembles a four-leaf clover, which can be a symbol of good luck.  At each of the corners of the clover there used to be griffins supporting the figure of an eagle rising in the air and holding a lizard and a tortoise. Its outstretched wings were once a symbol of imperial care over the residents.  Water in the fountain flows out from the beak of the eagle, and also from four gargoyles. The fountain has been renovated several times.


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