The former granary was erected in the second half of the 19th century. It is a three-storey building of red brick with a pitched roof. Until 2004, the building remained in a state of disrepair. Then, the commune of Drawno bought the granary from its owner – the Samopomoc Chłopska Communal Cooperative Society. Due to some EU subsidies, the granary was revitalized. In 2007, the modernized building was re-opened and undoubtedly became a pride of Drawno.

An interesting fact is that during the renovation of the granary a document dated back to April 1874 was found. The document was most likely placed in a pillar during the construction of the granary. The manuscript in German turned out to be an extract from the minutes of the meetings of the Royal District Court for forest areas. These particular minutes concerned the theft of property, probably brushwood for fuel of a value of 2 silver farthings.

Currently, there is a Tourist Information Centre in the granary. It is a municipal entity that promotes the commune of Drawno. There are exhibitions, vernissages, lectures, meetings, and educational classes organized in the granary. There is also the Drawno Region Souvenir Gallery, where historical exhibits are collected. The gallery functions as a local museum exhibiting, for example, old photos and postcards depicting Drawno from before 1945, and the 19th-century merchant letters. The gallery also shows old farming equipment, everyday use items, and weapons. The exhibition is enriched by the collections of mediaeval ceramics. The initiators of the gallery collect exhibits and souvenirs connected with Drawno. Thanks to this, the gallery’s collections are constantly growing. In the gallery, visitors can purchase souvenirs and gadgets connected with the region of Drawno.

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