• Address: ul. Gdańska, 76-100 Sławno

The communal forest covers an area of ​​21 hectares. The dominant species in the forest is Scots pine. The stand is composed of English oaks in the south - western part. There are only few old trees in the forest. These include, among other things, English oak (declared as a natural monument), which grows on the end of the birch alley leading to the forest from Kąpielowa Street. Before 1945, there was one of the biggest shooting ranges in Pomerania, used until the 1970s, and a shooting house. Before the war, the shooting range had been located in the village of Warszkowo. This area was later within the administrative borders of Sławno. The forest played once an important role of a town park with walking paths. Currently, as the Park at the Municipal Middle School and the Polska Organizacja Wojskowa [Polish Military Organisation] Park have been stunningly renovated, it serves a secondary recreational role for residents of the town.

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