• Address: Plac Wolności, Połczyn

The Old Town in Połczyn-Zdrój has entered into the Register of objects of cultural heritage, because of its well-preserved Medieval, urban arrangement. When it comes to orientation of streets and arrangement of the buildings, the urban development of the midtown in Połczyn-Zdrój hasn’t undergone any substantial change since the foundation of the town. Even when the wattle and daub constructions in the Old Town were transformed into masonry buildings, their original layout was preserved. The character and architectonic style of the urban development is coherent and compact. The town wasn’t surrounded by walls, only by embankment and palisade. The entrance to the town led through Czapliniecka Gate and Kołobrzeska Gate. In the 14th century, the market was in the town centre, it was square and the town hall was located in its central point. A steep street (preserved to date), led from the town hall to the castle. Throughout the centuries, the town hadn’t participated in any important historical events. It also avoided damage during the World War II. From the beginning of the 19th century, gradual renovation of individual tenements in the old town had started. The castle, which in the past belonged to the von Wedel family, is part of the old town. Next to the castle, but still within the boundaries of the old town, there is the Church of Immaculate Conception of Holy Mary the Virgin. It is worth to go inside the church mainly because of the historical value of its interior. Nowadays, the old town in Połczyn-Zdrój is in a very good condition, and more and more buildings undergo renovation. Plac Wolności [Liberty Square] is located in the centre of the market, where the old town hall used to stand in the Middle Ages. In front of the town hall, there used to be a natural-size monument of Knight Roland, who was passed as an example of virtues and a symbol of fight for civil rights. These days, in the centre of the square, there is a tulip-shaped fountain. The square is cobbled, and lit by retro-style lamps. It all adds a special charm to this place. The Town Council, the Registry Office and the Tourist Office (with free Internet), are located in the tenements which surround the market.

The square in the old town in Połczyn-Zdrój isn’t its main attraction. It’s good to take a walk along the streets of the old town. One of the most representative ones is Grunwaldzka Street. This street hides some secrets. Underneath it, there is one of the most interesting historical finds connected with the beginnings of the town. The discovery was made 1997, during earthworks conducted for the construction of a new gas network and the exchange of the old plumbing system. During these works, at the depth of 1,5 m, parallel, round, wooden beams, located crosswise the street were found. It was probably the former street surface from the period between the 13th and 14th centuries. Similar discoveries were made also on 5 Marca [5th of Match] Street and Mariacka Street. Discovery of the old pathway under the promenade is of special importance, because it may suggest that in the Middle Ages, the Salt Route led this way. In the past, Grunwaldzka Street must have been a very important route for merchants who in their caravans transported salt from the salt works in Kołobrzeg and headed towards the southern route to Drahim Castle and further towards Wielkopolska. Nowadays, Grunwaldzka Street is a vehicle-free zone. It is a promenade for town’s citizens and tourists. Numerous shops and eating places can be found here. The street houses many 2 or 3-storey tenements which date back to the second half of the 19th century and the beginnings of the 20th century. Some of the tenements require renovation, some of them have already been renovated, but they all together create unique atmosphere. The surface of the road is cobbled, and the street is lit by retro-style street lamps. While going from 5 Marca Street, it is worth to pay attention to the coat of arms cobbled on the promenade’s street surface. The promenade finishes with a small square which is full of lush, green plants and with two building standing opposite each other. The older of the two, is the primary school’s building, erected between 1866 and 1867.  Complex architectonic form is its most characteristic feature. The façade is made of red brick and ceramic blocks which create an artistic decoration. The other building on the square is the Post Office, which comes from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. A beautiful monument of nature grows in front of its entrance. It is a monumental oak tree which dominates the whole square. It is over 120 years old and it has got 320 cm in diameter. It is also worth a while to take a walk along 5 Marca Street, because the street has almost been completely renovated.

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