• Address: 1 maja, 78-230 Świdwin

The town gate, also referred to as Brama Kamienna [the Stone Gate] dates back to the fourteenth century. It is a remainder of the town fortification and it guarded the entrance to the town. It separated the old part of the town from the newer one. The Stone Gate was one of the three Gothic gates within the defensive walls that enclosed the town. The defensive walls, which protected the village from raids in the eighteenth century, were almost completely pulled down. The only fragment left is the one at nad Regą Street, at a distance of a few hundred metres from the gate. After the war the gate still had massive wooden doors which survived the war, and adorned this historical place. Unfortunately, in the 1990s, during the renovation of the gate, the doors were stolen. The doors had been moved to the municipal storehouse for the time of the renovation, but they were never back. The thief has not been caught. The gate is currently in a very good condition. Over the centuries it was converted a few times. It is square in plan. The gate has two storeys and an attic. It is made of large Gothic bricks and fieldstone. The structure has a steep gable roof based on wooden construction. On the east side, the gate was provided with buttress walls. The passage through the gate is shaped like a pointed arch. It is adorned by new oak doors which bring to mind Gothic architecture. The entrance to the gate, which had been previously situated at its foot, was walled up. Today, the gate can be accessed through an adjacent chapel. Unfortunately, the visitors may admire the gate only from the outside.


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