The St Martin the Bishop church in Podwilcze is a Roman Catholic branch church belonging to the parish of the Elevation of the Holy Cross in Stanomino. The church dates back to the 16th century. The oldest elements of the building are the western wall and a tower. The tower was made taller and moved to the south in the first half of the 20th century. The church is an oriented building without a separate presbytery, which is finished triangularly. The church is topped with a gable roof with red tiles. The roof of the building is dominated by the tower with a hipped roof with red tiles. The church has windows with circular arches. The entrance to the building is situated next to the tower. The valuable elements of the church’s furnishings include an Art Nouveau stained glass window from the first half of the 20th century, the decoration of the vault, a pipe organ internal gallery with a reed organ from about 1900, an altar stone, the retable of the high altar from the 1930s, a painting of “The Resurrection”, which constitutes a part of the altar, a baroque baptismal font from the 17th century, a stoup from the 1890s, a crucifix from about 1900, an electronic lamp, a Renaissance-styled bell from 1567, and the bars of a neo-Gothic gate from about 1900. The church is very nicely situated on a green clearing. The building is surrounded with a cobble wall, where a chapel with a figure of St Mary is located. There are steps leading to the church, which limits the accessibility of the building for the disabled.

Masses’ schedule: Sun: 11 am, Thu: 4 pm (summer 6 pm).

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