The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Roman Catholic church in the old part of Police is a Marian church. Its beginnings are connected with the end of the former Gothic Marian church from the turn of the 13th and the 14th centuries, which was situated at the Market Square of the Old Town till the 19th century. The church on Mazurska Street was built in 1894, so it is a relatively young church in comparison with the rest of churches of the district of Police. Its tall and tapering tower topped with an orb with a cross seems to dominate over the town, because it is visible from many places. Already at the entrance to Police from Mścięcino, the tower emerges from behind tree tops and welcomes people arriving at the town. The church was built of brick on a Latin cross plan. During the Second World War, the roofing of the church was damaged, but it was rebuilt after the end of the war. On December 8th, 1951, the parish was consecrated as Roman Catholic parish of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and since then a church fair has been organized on the anniversary of the consecration. In the presbytery, there is a cross of St Francis of Assisi. There are also two side altars in the church – in the southern aisle there is an altar of Our Lady of Częstochowa, while in the northern aisle, there is an altar of the Divine Mercy. The church has stained glass windows depicting saints. This church was a place where the idea of the famous “Cecyliada” – the Police Days of Music – which was introduced to the calendar of events in Police due to Rev. Mirosław Oliwiak, was born. The performances and concerts take place up to this day, but the host church is the St Casimir the Crown Prince church in Nowe Police. Currently, three priests minister to the parish along with Rev. Marian Kucharczyk – a parish priest.

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