Myśliborskie Lake is the largest lake of the Myślibórz Lake District. It is perfect for recreation and water sports. It is also interesting for fishing enthusiasts.

There are several beaches, including two bathing areas guarded by WOPR (Myślibórz, Szarych Szeregów Street and near the XX-lecia PRL residential estate). Smaller unguarded beaches are located by the lake in smaller towns. There are also two islands on the lake – one of them can be reached by a bridge, while the other one is wet and overgrown – available only for water birds. The lake is also used for sailing.

In Myślibórz there is a fully equipped marina “Szkuner”, where you can rent a sailing boat or a rowing boat. There are also private yachts. At the Szkuner resort and by the municipal beach there are rental offices offering water equipment, such as paddle boats, kayaks; you can also purchase a banana joy ride. There is an appointed “silence zone” attached to Myślibórz and Utonie, as well as in the Ptasia bay; the speed limit for boats there is 15 km/h. According to the Regulations regarding Water Sports on the Myśliborskie Lake, launching watercraft is possible only at Szkuner in Myślibórz (5 Marcinkowskiego Street) which is equipped with the correct facilities. Using water equipment is possible from dawn to dusk. “Silence zone” does not apply on the days of Powerboat Championship which take place in the part of the lake attached to Myślibórz (there were events similar to European Championship in classes 0-125, S-550, T-400, T-550, JT-250, OSY400 and World Cup Qualification in the class F500). For several dozen years in May there have been Leonid Teliga’s Regattas during which young people from water centres from all of Poland compete with one another, sailing yachts, such as Optymist and Cadet.

The lake is leased by Gospodarstwo Rolno-Rybackie Grzegorz Siwek [Grzegorz Siwek Agricultural and Fishing Farm] for the purposes of fish farming. Fishing permits can be purchased at 1 Marcinkowskiego Street in Myślibórz and in fishing shops in Myślibórz. 

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