• Address: Polna 30, 72-350 Niechorze
  • Phone: (91) 3863543

The lighthouse in Niechorze was turned on for the first time in December 1866. The tower was built on a high cliff. It was made of face brick, built on the quadrangle plan in the lower part, and on the octagonal plan in the upper one. It is 45 metres high and is the fourth highest lighthouse in Poland. On its top there is a terrace with a balustrade and a lantern - a glazed room with a navigation device. The Lighthouse in Niechorze is equipped with an apparatus that uses the then modern Fresnel lens. The fleeing Germans mined the tower in 1945. Fortunately, there was no detonation. However, it suffered as a result of artillery fire. After the renovation of the damaged lantern, light nominal range is 20 nautical miles (37.04 kilometres), so the light signal overlaps with the ones sent by the neighbouring lighthouses in Kołobrzeg and Kikut. Flashing light is sent in 10-second cycles, with a flash of 0.45 seconds and a break of 9.55 seconds. Currently, the lighthouse in Niechorze is a part of the shore stations complex based on the AIS-PL system of HELCOM project, which allows for automatic monitoring of maritime traffic in the coastal zone.

The lighthouse is open to visitors.

Tickets: PLN 6 - adults, PLN 4 - reduced one. All children over 5, pupils, students, pensioners and organised groups (over 20 people) are entitled to buy the reduced ticket. Admission is free for children under 5. The lighthouse accepts the badges of 'Bliza'.

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