• Address: Pogorzelica

The Natura 2000 “Trzebiatowsko-Kołobrzeski Pas Nadmorski” area is a special habitat protection area covering 17,468.8 ha. It encompasses a fragment of the Baltic coast, which is well preserved in terms of the lay of the land. We can distinguish cliff coasts, both active (eroding) and already stabilized with bushes. There are also grey dunes and dunes covered by a forest, as well as depressions between dunes and wetlands. There are two characteristic lagoon lakes: Lake Resko Przymorskie and Lake Liwia Łuża, formed through closing of narrow sand bars, and also shallow river estuaries, including the Liwskie Ujście canal and the Czerwona River. The southern part of the Natura 2000 area is a vast strip of the depression of the Baltic Urstromtal, filled mostly with deposits of fen peat. The area is cut across by a network of canals and watercourses (including Rega, Stara Rega, Parsęta, and Czerwona). The halophyte area in the back of the dune belt north of Włodarka is one of the vastest ecosystems of its kind in Poland.

The “Trzebiatowsko-Kołobrzeski Pas Nadmorski” area is a habitat of many animal species. Rare and protected species, such as otter, grey seal, European fire-bellied toad, and among bird species: red-backed shrike, aquatic warbler, short-eared owl, ruff, spotted crake, white-tailed sea eagle, lesser spotted eagle, or bittern, can be found there. The waters are inhabited by European river lampreys, brook lampreys, Atlantic salmons, and sabre carps. A small stand of creeping marshwort, a plant species from Annex II of the Habitat Directive, was found on Lake Liwia Łuża.

The reserve can be visited in many ways. It is worth strolling along the Baltic beach to admire cliffs and dunes. Several biking routes enables tourists to visit interesting places; for example, “Szlak Nadmorski”, “Szlak Bocianich Gniazd”, “Trasa Ku Słońcu”, or “Wokół Jeziora Resko” trails. The enthusiasts of fishing can use many fishing grounds in rivers and lakes, as well as try surfcasting - catching fish standing on the shoreline. The Rega River and the Parsęta River are available to canoeists.  

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