• Address: Rynek 26, 72-320 Trzebiatów

The baroque figure was made in the sgraffito technique, which involves placing subsequent layers of plaster and then scraping respective parts of the surface layer with a chisel. The figure shows an elephant with a lifted trunk, a sword and a trainer. The creation of the sgraffiti in Trzebiatów dates from no earlier than 1639. That was when a train arrived at Trzebiatów. Its main attraction was the elephant who could pick up money from the ground, shoot a musket, march, and fence with a rapier. What is more, it was allegedly not averse to alcohol, and mainly keen on beers. One of the townspeople of Trzebiatów ordered to immortalise that extraordinary event on the wall of his house. Later on, the work became covered with a layer of plaster. It was revealed again during the renovation of the house in 1914.

The elephant, who visited Trzebiatów in 1639, was Hansken. The elephant was the then star in this part of Europe. It was born in 1630 in Ceylon, from where it was later taken to Amsterdam as a gift to Prince Frederick William of Orange. Then, the prince presented it to his cousin, who sold the elephant to an unknown man. Hansken was said to be able to perform 36 circus tricks. The new owner set out on a journey with it through Denmark and Germany. That is how Hansken reached Trzebiatów. The elephant became very popular. It was immortalized in the image of Rembrandt entitled 'Adam and Eve' and in the sgraffito in Trzebiatów. It image was also on bows of many ships.

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