• Address: Rybacka 1, 70-204 Szczecin
  • Page: www.pum.edu.pl
  • Phone: 91 4800700

The building housing the present university was designed in 1900 by the architect Wilhelm Meyer Schwartau. He created a plan of an irregular polygon, divided into a central part and northern and southern wings. The south wing ends with a tower 68 meters high. It is crowned with a neo-baroque helmet. The rest is covered with a sloping roof. Attention is drawn to large windows in wooden frames as well as attics referring in their form to picturesque architecture. The building has an eclectic form.

In 1902, various administrative agencies of the then German Szczecin were moved to the building. Their offices were then established by: the Craft Court, the Department of Social Affairs, the Construction Supervision Police and the Registry Office. Fortunately, the building survived the war without damage and with the takeover of the city by the Polish authorities, it was decided to transfer it to an educational institution educating doctors.

In 1948, the Medical Academy started operating, the founders of which were: prof. Jakub Węgierko (he also became the first rector of the university), prof. Tadeusz Chorążak, prof. Artur Chwalibogowski, prof. Tadeusz Markiewicz, prof. Czesław Murczyński, prof. Tadeusz Sokołowski, prof. Witold Starkiewicz, prof. Kazimierz Stojałowski, prof. Józef Taniewski and prof. January Zubrzycki. In the inaugural year of the newly established university, 60 people began their studies. Over the years, the university grew and the number of lecturers, students, fields of study, faculties and departments increased. The names also changed. In 1992, the Medical Academy was renamed the Pomeranian Medical University, and in 2010 the Pomeranian Medical University.

Currently, PUM has four faculties (Medicine, Medicine and Dentistry, Medicine and Biotechnology and Health Sciences) and twelve faculties. 83 people with the title of professor and 70 with the title of habilitated doctor put here. There are also two clinical hospitals, a dental clinic and out-of-department units operating under the auspices of the Pomeranian Medical University, such as the Atherosclerosis Research Center or the Regional Center for Monitoring Adverse Drug Effects. The university is managed by the rector - prof. dr hab. Andrzej Ciechanowicz, MD, PhD. Although almost 70 years have passed since the beginning of their activity, future doctors are still educated in the same place - in a building erected by one of the most outstanding architects associated with Szczecin.

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