• Address: Ordona, 78-400 Szczecinek

The City Park was created at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. It stretches along the northern shore of Trzesiecko Lake, along Trzesiecka, Kościuszki, Jasna, Ordona, Mickiewicza, Piłsudkiego and Szczecińska Streets in Szczecinek. Its history reaches back to 1893, when on the city plan initial park assumptions were visible on the areas which occurred as a result of the decreased water level of Trzesiecko Lake. At the beginning they constituted small green parts near Odrona Street and the Castle of the Pomeranian Dukes, modelled after the English parks with significant amount of native trees and bushes. In the interwar period the park underwent its renaissance among others through the creation of a rose garden and a concert shell. The most interesting dendrological specimen include: betula papyrifera, quercus robur, common dogwood, Swedish whitebeam, aesculus hippocastanum and red horse-chestnut. In the park there are trees which constitute natural monuments: Ulmus laevis and Tilia cordata, which grow near the K. Makuszyński’s kindergarten, three Taxus baccata trees, which grow near the Ks. Elżbiety’s Secondary School and Populus nigra which can be seen in the municipal forest near Pułaskiego Street. In the park many open-air gyms, fountains and other interesting structures were created. There are also trails, such as walking and cycling trails, which go around Trzesiecko Lake.

In 2013 the City Park received Bronisław Komorowski’s Award for the most interesting management of the green space in the city. The President visited Szczecinek and to honour this event in the park near the Castle of the Pomeranian Dukes a stone with a memorial plaque has been placed. 

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