• Address: Grabowa 1, 70-761 Szczecin

It is an artificial grotto, unique on a national scale, as little is known about similar facilities of this type in Poland, and even in Europe. It was established in 1880. With time, two reinforced concrete and concrete arches were added to it. They had a different weight, but the same span, which was 30 m. Their height was 10 m. They used to have a covered stage in the form of a pagoda, where numerous performances took place, they were an excellent form of advertising for the cement factory and a way of presenting cement applications. Many inhabitants of Szczecin at that time erected concrete tombstones for their relatives, they were worth more than stone ones. Unfortunately, the pagoda did not survive the war. Only one arch has survived to the present day. As for the cave itself, it was supposed to resemble a real cave with stalactites, stalagmites and stalagnates, so the impression of its artificiality is not felt. It was built by Albert Toepffer, the founder of the chalk mine and cement plant "Stern".

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