• Address: Prosino

The “Jezioro Prosino” nature reserve is located in the commune of Czaplinek. It has been established in 1988 as an ornithological reserve in order to protect breeding grounds and habitats of rare water and marsh birds. The reserve covers 81 ha and includes Lake Prosino (over 80 ha) and a narrow belt of bushes and rushes surrounding the lake. The lake itself is shallow (maximum depth of 1.8 m), and due to this fact, it is subject to strong eutrophication, which makes it rich in food for birds. The Drawa River flow through the lake, but in this section it is only a small stream, which is not suitable for tourist development. Due to dense rushes and water rich in food, Lake Prosino is a habitat of many rare birds. 26 species, which can be found there, include great crested grebe, bittern, mute swan, gadwall, garganey, shoveler, western marsh harrier, water rail, peewit, kingfisher, western yellow wagtail, great reed warbler, fieldfare, willow tit, and others. In the breeding season and during the mass migration of birds, it is possible to see flocks of 1,500 specimens in the reserve. Such a large number of birds attracts predators. The area of the reserve is a favourite hunting ground of white-tailed sea eagles, red kites, and ospreys. Because of the fact that Lake Prosino is protected as a nature reserve, fishing in the lake is prohibited, but visitors can freely observe birds, preferably through binoculars from a prepared post.

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