According to the date on a venting window, the church was erected in 1846. It is a whitewashed building with a frame structure filled with bricks. This oriented church was built on a rectangular plan with a presbytery finished with a semi-circular arch. It is an aisleless church with timbered vault. The walls of the church are covered with wood. There are stained glass windows in the presbytery. The church is topped with a gable roof, the presbytery with a multi-hipped roof covered with sheeting. On the western side of the church, a tower with a square-shaped base was built. The tower is built of wood and is topped with an octagonal, two-level cupola. The historic furnishings of the church include a baroque pulpit, a baroque baptismal font, and a baroque pipe organ casing. There are steps leading to the church, which limits the accessibility of the building for the disabled. Next to the church, there is a municipal cemetery. The church is beautifully situated, surrounded by numerous old trees.

Masses’ schedule: Sun: 8 am, 11 am, Mon-Sat: 5 pm (summer: 6 pm).

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