• Distance: 10.0 km
  • The sum of the approaches: 130 m
  • The sum of the descents: 188 m


  • access by train
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Stage IV: Wałcz - Dobino - Voivodeship border - Skrzatusz - Piła [30 km]

A route not yet built and unmarked - it currently runs on roads with little traffic.

Located between the lakes Raduń and Zamkowe, Wałcz is a nice town with a preserved medieval layout in the center. The town hall from 1890 stands proudly on the market square. Like in other Pomeranian towns, a castle used to dominate Wałcz once, but we won't even find a trace of its ruins today. It was probably destroyed during "The Deluge" - a Swedish invasion in the 17th century. You can take a break by the lake at the Sports Stars Alley. Military enthusiasts will be glad that we are still in the Pomeranian Wall region, to which two facilities are devoted. The Pomeranian Wall (also called Pomeranian Line) was a huge line of fortifications constructed by Nazi Germany to protect the region from... Poland. The Older Museum of the Pomeranian Wall is located outside the city, on the premises of the former military barracks. Even more interesting object is Fortress Group Cegielnia, on the outskirts of Wałcz, between the lakes Zamkowe and Chmiel Duży. This section of the Pomeranian Line closed the gap between the natural obstacles that were used in planning fortifications in the Wałcz Lakeland. The bunkers, picturesquely situated on the hills, were blown up in 1945. Currently, you can not only visit the bunkers but also the permanent exhibition with armored vehicles and weapons. Several times a year, various types of historical reenactments, concerts, and military parades take place here.

Ten kilometers west from the city, on a road Strączno-Rutwica there is a "magic hill", one of Poland's most famous gravitational anomalies. You can easily feel it on a bicycle - while going uphill you do not have to pedal. The bottles roll in the wrong direction; the water also flows upwards. Unfortunately, this is only an optical illusion, but the impression that the laws of physics do not function here is worth making up for a few kilometers.

The route from Wałcz to the border of Zachodniopomorskie voivodeship can be continued by local roads through the fields to Dobino, which is situated between two lakes. From the local railway station, we will get to Szczecin or Piła. If you decide to continue cycling towards Piła should visit the impressive sanctuary in Skrzatusz, known from the 15th-century Pieta.


distance (km) altitude above sea level

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