CFP accommodation site

  • one night stay available for at least 4 tourists
  • safe and free-of-charge bike and luggage storage
  • free-of-charge tools for basic bike repairs
  • up-to-date info on nearby bike service points and shops displayed in a visible place in the facility

Amenities available

  • Building fully accessible for persons with disabilities
  • Service in English available
  • Wi-Fi
  • Business services (office facilities, organization of conferences)
  • Safe
  • Payment with credit card / BLIK / mobile app, etc.
  • Sauna/hot tub
  • Playground
  • Amenities for toddlers (chairs, beds)
  • Air-conditioning
  • Vegetarian / vegan / gluten-free options

CFP additional services

  • Clothes and gear drying service
  • Washing service
  • Pressure washer or other equipment for washing the bicycle and gear
  • Bicycle rental shop
  • Rental of kids’ bikes / bike trailers / bike seats / helmets
  • Organized bike trips in the area
  • Information on the local tourist offering, attractions, organized trips and cycling events
  • Safe parking lot available for longer (more than 24 hours) parking of bicycles
  • Electric bikes charging station
  • Balanced breakfasts for cyclists
  • Take-away food
  • Maps, tourist guides to the area, informational materials


  • Cyclist-Friendly Place Cyclist-Friendly Place
  • Open seasonally: Obiekt całoroczny

Pension New Mill ** is a hotel and tourist facility located in the center of the village of Namyslin, Boleszkowice commune. The facility offers accommodation, restaurant and organizes various types of active recreation (canoeing, bicycles, Nordick Walking, and the organization of various meetings, training and integration events for individual guests and companies and institutions. It is an ideal place to rest in the beautiful scenery of nature, relax and escape from the hustle and bustle of the city and fatigue to regenerate and gain distance from the problems of everyday life.

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