• Address: 72-001 Karwowo

The ruins of a church in Karwowo are one of the most charming remnants of old churches in the district of Police. The church was an aisleless building built of granite slabs on a rectangular plan in the second half of the 13th century. In the late 19th century, the building was rebuilt and the eastern façade was removed. A brick neo-Gothic tower with stone foundations was built at the western corner of the northern façade. The base of the tower has four sides, while its upper part is octagonal and topped with a brick conical cupola. We can see an original early Gothic portal and window openings coming from the times of the reconstruction of the building. The Second World War, unfortunately, did not spare the church; it was damaged in this period, and then it started to fall in disrepair, likewise the cemetery surrounding the building. The traces of the cemetery are very well visible, because there are more than a dozen of well-preserved tombstone elements. The area of the church and the cemetery used to be surrounded by a wall made of brick and stone. Up to this day, a fragment of an entrance gate with brick columns and a section of the stone wall have survived. The area is well maintained and properly marked. There is an informational panel describing the history of the village and the church in Polish and German located next to the building. The ruins of a church in Karwowo are incredibly charming and are really worth visiting.

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