Embedded in a sink, at the edge of the village is the 5,000 m large garden of the Club Mirabell e. V. located. More than 300 different medicinal, scent and spice plants like vegetables, shrubs, berry bushes and flowers can be found here. With all your senses you can discover the plants, whereby individual parts of plants and fruits may be also picked and tasted. Locate the different shapes and surfaces; experience the fruity scent of the clary sage or the lovely aroma of small flame red blossoms of the Monarda! If you grind the leaves of the Dracocephalum moldavica, essential oils exude an intense lemon fragrance. Get inspired by the great diversity of natural flavors. Also old, rare vegetables and cereals grow in the garden.

A detailed barefoot route invites young and old to play. A walk through the Pomeranian maze is an opportunity to relax and to connect with itself and this ancient symbol. The lower part of the garden is barrier-free and suitable for wheelchair users. The plants are signposted in braille.

The garden is open at any time. A contact person is on site daily from 10am until 6pm in the months from May to October. We ask for a fee of 5 euro for the preservation of the garden. A range of young plants, regional herbal products, technical literature, homemade cakes, coffee and refreshments are ready for you.

Tips: Herbal guides: Wednesday and Sunday, 3pm, costs: 8 euro (incl. entrance. In July and August we invite families and children to the children's herbal workshop. (costs: 5 euro)

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